HKTWH Academy DVD's 1-13

All 13 DVD's as part of the HKTWH Academy.

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Product Description

Purchase the entire HKTWH Academy, Series 1 through 13, plus the Intro DVD.


What is the HKTWH Academy:


The HKTWH Academy is a unique program designed to facilitate your personal growth. The HKTWH Academy is a collection of the 13 HKTWH Principles that are the foundation of Horses Know The Way Home. In this 13 part DVD - set, Brian Reid - founder of HKTWH - walks you through each Principle in an easy to understand, structured and applicable way.


The Horses Know The Way Home Academy focuses on strategies with which one can live a well-lived life. Brian Reid, life coach and founder of Horses Know The Way Home, along with his horse Brenda Lee (an 1800lb shire), and his dogs, Eddie, Red and Lucy, help us to make the change toward a more fulfilled life in an approachable way. Brian is dedicated to help you feel connected with yourself and follow your bliss.


Horses Know the Way Home functions on the basic principle that there is no need to live a life that makes you unhappy and that it is within your power to find peace with yourself and the world around you.


The power of Brenda Lee as a horse to read emotions and instantly understand connection is the power and understanding that Brian Reid draws from and translates it into the human experience.


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What do others say about the HKTWH Academy DVD's:


Anne Cistoldi and Sho.jpgI recently received my complete DVD set of “ Feel the Connection”  Series!!!!




It’s wonderful to be able to listen to and watch in the comfort of my livingroom, or while I am doing household chores.


The series is positive, inspiring, motivating and pleasure filled.  At times it is simply just fun to watch you having fun and pleasure with your “Family”.   I am a dedicated Parelli student and as you know having the horse know how much you care is paramount.  


Watching you, Brenda Lee and the dogs….has rejuvenated my spirit of play….Sometimes we get a bit direct line in our approach to being progressive…..and also being present is so important to the connection…..Revisiting pressure vs. pleasure has helped me put a little more spirit in my play…. My LBI haflinger, Sho is so food motivated, sometimes his play drive gets over ridden by his desire to eat……Keeping our sessions more playful, diverse and imaginative has helped me peel back another layer of the onion with him…..especially in the snowy winter weather we are having….my attitude is being  reflected in his attitude.


Thank you for inspiring me to try some new fun things to restore that sense of play and spirit!!!! 


I also love that your program appeals not to just “ horsemen” but is more self development and motivational.  

The program is broken down into segments that are just long enough to make it possible to really make a change from each DVD or share with friends and co-workers.  You can focus on the entire DVD or just a chapter.  It also can be viewed without having a great deal of background from the previous DVD, thus allowing you to view out of sequence and still make progress.


I watch my DVD’s in the morning as I start my day…I don’t watch tv or read the newspaper.  Something I have learned from another wonderful program.  You are giving me the opportunity to start my day with such positive thoughts and happiness….. I don’t have any time for negative self talk or worry!!!!! 



Anne Cistoldi




What are the 13 HKTWH Principles:

The 13 HKTWH Principles are the HKTWH teachings, created to help you feel connected and find your Way Homeat any time and in any challenging situation. The 13 HKTWH Principles are put into 13 video series. In each series Brian will explain, demonstrate and help you FEEL the truth of every HKTWH Principle so you can start applying them into your own life with success.


Let us give you an overview and a feel for the 13 HKTWH Principles:


Series 1: Release That Teaches

Click here to watch the trailer


In the Release That Teaches videos, we explore how the everyday occurrences, problems and stresses in our lives have such a hold on us that they begin to control us. This builds up insurmountable tension in our lives that can often reveal itself in the form of health problems, broken relationships, and personal internal chaos. In releasing that tension, as Brian shows us, we can more objectively view our problems and deal with them with a new found calmness and patience.


Series 2: Horse Power of Now

Click here to watch the trailer


In the Horse Power of Now, Brian explores the different way in which we deny ourselves presents, or "presence". One is by living in the future or the past, ignoring where we are today. The second is by acknowledging where we are by judging ourselves so harshly that it renders change impossible. Brian and Brenda Lee demonstrate how to live with and accept your present self.


Series 3: State of Being

Expanding on the Horse Power of Now series, which taught us how to live in the moment, the State of Being series teaches us how to effectively change the state we are in. Sometimes when we fully acknowledge where we are right now, we are unhappy with what we find. The State of Being series teaches us how to fully accept where we are and how to slowly but surely move to a more positive state.


Series 4: Self Talk

Click here to watch the trailer


The Self Talk series focuses on our communication with ourselves. Brian explains how a horse does not understand your words or voices in your head. It understands how those words are being interpreted into your body language, in other words, your state of being. Brian shows us how to be aware of our desires, fears, and emotions so that we can "self talk" our way through any situation. And once we internalize that honesty through self talk, our peace will project outside of ourselves and ultimately enrich our interactions with others.


Series 5: Feel the Vibrations

Click here to watch the trailer


In the Vibrations series, we explore the idea that humans are creatures of habit, and that all of our actions and reactions quickly become rhythmic vibrations in our lives. The trouble begins when we remain at a frequency that does not serve our passion, our lifestyle and our desires. Brian and Brenda Lee deliver methods with which we can recognize the patterns in our lives, whether they are moving toward or away from us, and ways in which they can be altered to better suit our needs.


Series 6: Want Great Answers, Ask Great Questions

Click here to watch the trailer


The “Ask Great Questions to Get Great Answers” series offers a practical guide to channeling the energy of our desires toward our goals. Those answers require specificity, purpose, and a fair amount of drive to catapult those questions into the correct answers. This philosophy operates under the basic principle that you will never receive what you have not asked for: you will never achieve a goal that you have not considered and put into practice: you will never receive the proper response from the universe if you have not given it the proper tools with which to work.


Series 7: Let Your Heart Be the Master

In the busy schemes of life today it can often be difficult to allow your heart to lead the way. Instead you let your head lead the way, and you live your life using logic and intellect. But in living solely with our intellect we often find ourselves lost and frazzled in the hectic world. During the Let Your Heart Be the Master series, Brian and Brenda demonstrate how by finding your center or your “home” you can allow your heart to lead the way. Once your heart is leading the way, you can make intellectual decisions to support your heart, all while remaining at home. Brian teaches the ways in which you can find your home, and how to maintain that home once it is discovered.


Series 8: Balance

It is OK to not be in balance all of the time. But, we need to have a plan that we can practice, so when the imbalance does happen in our daily life, we can recognize it without drama, react to it in a prepared way, and make the choice of how to handle it. It may be uncomfortable, you may not like what is happening, but you will be aware of the situation, you will not be blinded by your emotions and feel helpless. Brian and Brenda Lee will help inspire you to find balance in each new situation during the Balance video series.


Series 9: Path of Least Resistance

Your current life structure is your reality. This is fact. This is the starting point. Your vision of the life you want to create is the result. The tension that will happen along the way needs to be cultivated so you know how to handle it and not react in a way that you compromise and settle for less. In the Path of Least Resistance series, Brian and Brenda Lee will help you follow your desires by finding the releases in life that feel good to you so you can start living the life you have always dreamt of.


Series 10: Caught in the Act

What’s that “special thing” that you do? When was the last time you caught yourself doing something that truly expressed the spirit of your life? Catch Brian, Brenda Lee, Lucy, Red Dog and Eddie in the act of “Living their Bliss” and discover what the expression of your life can be!


Series 11: Plan for Pleasure

Have you ever reached a goal only to discover that the result of achieving that goal was shockingly unsatisfying to you? Learn to discriminate between goals set for pressure, and goals set for pleasure. Brian, Brenda Lee and even little Lucy have discovered that pleasure can happen moment by moment. If you plan for pleasure every step of the way toward any goal, the result will always be satisfying.


Series 12: It's All in the Prep

Proper preparation is essential to achieving any goal. Brian shares a personal story of how he put to use all of the previous 11 principles to accomplish a lofty goal for himself and Brenda Lee. What will you prepare for?


Series 13: Kick Start to Freedom

Using what we’ve learned from series 1 thru 12, Brian encourages you to find what you want - and move toward it! Kick-out the habits that aren’t working for you, and Kick-Start new patterns and habits that propel you toward your heartfelt desires. Fill your life with Bliss!


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Click here to try out the mini HKTWH Academy FOR FREE for 14 days!